Run AppleScript from Cocoa Application

Solved! Xcode wasn’t saving my script file into app’s resources path. To run an AppleScript code from Cocoa Application, use this: NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@”ScriptName” ofType:@”scpt”]; NSURL *url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:path];NSDictionary *errors = [NSDictionary dictionary]; NSAppleScript *appleScript = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url error:&errors]; [appleScript executeAndReturnError:nil]; Swift 5.6.1: import AppleScriptObjC import Cocoa let path = … Read more

Listen to a value change of my text field

You can set a delegate for your NSTextField instance and have the delegate implement the following method: – (void)controlTextDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification { // there was a text change in some control } Your delegate object can be the application delegate, a window controller, a view controller, or some other object in your application. The delegate can … Read more

How to display the current project version of my App to the user?

After further searching and testing, I found the solution myself. NSDictionary* infoDictionary = [[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary]; NSLog(@”%i Keys: %@”, [infoDictionary count], [[infoDictionary allKeys] componentsJoinedByString: @” ,”]); This snipplet gave me the following output: 20 Keys : NSBundleResolvedPath ,CFBundleVersion ,NSBundleInitialPath ,CFBundleIdentifier ,NSMainNibFile ,CFBundleIconFile ,CFBundleInfoPlistURL ,CFBundleExecutable ,DTSDKName ,UIStatusBarStyle ,CFBundleDevelopmentRegion ,DTPlatformName ,CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion ,CFBundleSupportedPlatforms ,CFBundleExecutablePath ,CFBundleDisplayName ,LSRequiresIPhoneOS ,CFBundlePackageType ,CFBundleSignature … Read more

How to Get the Display Name with the Display ID in Mac OS X?

This gives you the localized display name: static void KeyArrayCallback(const void* key, const void* value, void* context) { CFArrayAppendValue(context, key); } – (NSString*)localizedDisplayProductName { NSDictionary* screenDictionary = [[NSScreen mainScreen] deviceDescription]; NSNumber* screenID = [screenDictionary objectForKey:@”NSScreenNumber”]; CGDirectDisplayID aID = [screenID unsignedIntValue]; CFStringRef localName = NULL; io_connect_t displayPort = CGDisplayIOServicePort(aID); CFDictionaryRef dict = (CFDictionaryRef)IODisplayCreateInfoDictionary(displayPort, 0); CFDictionaryRef names … Read more

+[NSString stringWithString:] — what’s the point?

You might have a NSMutableString (or some home-grown NSString subclass) that you want to duplicate. NSMutableString *buffer = [NSMutableString string]; // do something with buffer NSString *immutableStringToKeepAround = [NSString stringWithString:buffer]; Of course, you can also just make a copy: NSMutableString *buffer = [NSMutableString string]; // do something with buffer NSString *immutableStringToKeepAround = [[buffer copy] autorelease]; … Read more

Writing a privileged helper tool with SMJobBless()

XPC isn’t an option if you’re trying to elevate privileges (from By default, XPC services are run in the most restricted environment possible—sandboxed with minimal filesystem access, network access, and so on. Elevating a service’s privileges to root is not supported. SMJobBless will install a helper tool and register it with Launchd, as in … Read more