dotnet ef scaffold Unrecognized option ‘-t firstTable -t secondTable’ – pass arguments stored in a string

If you construct a string such as -t foo and pass it via a variable to an external program, it is passed as a single, double-quoted argument (that is, donet will literally see “-t foo” on its command line) – and therefore won’t be recognized as parameter name-value combination. You must pass -t and foo … Read more

Specification of source charset encoding in MSVC++, like gcc “-finput-charset=CharSet”

For those who subscribe to the motto “better late than never”, Visual Studio 2015 (version 19 of the compiler) now supports this. The new /source-charset command line switch allows you to specify the character set encoding used to interpret source files. It takes a single parameter, which can be either the IANA or ISO character … Read more

Launch Program with Parameters

You can use the ProcessStartInfo.Arguments property to specify the string of arguments for your program: ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.FileName = @”C:\etc\Program Files\ProgramFolder\Program.exe”; startInfo.Arguments = @”C:\etc\desktop\file.spp C:\etc\desktop\file.txt”; Process.Start(startInfo);

How can I process command line arguments in Python? [duplicate]

As others answered, optparse is the best option, but if you just want quick code try something like this: import sys, re first_re = re.compile(r’^\d{3}$’) if len(sys.argv) > 1: if first_re.match(sys.argv[1]): print “Primary argument is : “, sys.argv[1] else: raise ValueError(“First argument should be …”) args = sys.argv[2:] else: args = () # … anywhere … Read more

Maximum number of Bash arguments != max num cp arguments?

As Ignacio said, ARG_MAX is the maximum length of the buffer of arguments passed to exec(), not the maximum number of files (this page has a very in-depth explanation). Specifically, it lists fs/exec.c as checking the following condition: PAGE_SIZE*MAX_ARG_PAGES-sizeof(void *) / sizeof(void *) And, it seems, you have some additional limitations: On a 32-bit Linux, … Read more

How do I parse command line arguments in Scala? [closed]

For most cases you do not need an external parser. Scala’s pattern matching allows consuming args in a functional style. For example: object MmlAlnApp { val usage = “”” Usage: mmlaln [–min-size num] [–max-size num] filename “”” def main(args: Array[String]) { if (args.length == 0) println(usage) val arglist = args.toList type OptionMap = Map[Symbol, Any] … Read more