Compare two Images in JavaScript

No, there is no especially easy way to do this. JavaScript was not made for handling low-level operations such as working directly with binary data for, say, image processing. You could use a <canvas> element to base64 encode each image, and then compare the resulting base64 strings, but this will only tell you whether or … Read more

Comparing 2 lists consisting of dictionaries with unique keys in python

Assuming that the dicts line up like in your example input, you can use the zip() function to get a list of associated pairs of dicts, then you can use any() to check if there is a difference: >>> list_1 = [{‘unique_id’:’001′, ‘key1′:’AAA’, ‘key2′:’BBB’, ‘key3′:’EEE’}, {‘unique_id’:’002′, ‘key1′:’AAA’, ‘key2′:’CCC’, ‘key3′:’FFF’}] >>> list_2 = [{‘unique_id’:’001′, ‘key1′:’AAA’, ‘key2′:’DDD’, … Read more

NSArray containsObject method

The documentation for [NSArray containsObject:] says: This method determines whether anObject is present in the receiver by sending an isEqual: message to each of the receiver’s objects (and passing anObject as the parameter to each isEqual: message). The problem is that you are comparing references to objects rather than the values of the objects. To … Read more

When you call remove(object o) on an arraylist, how does it compare objects?

ArrayList remove() relies on the objects implementation of the Equal method. If no implementation has been done then the object is removed by Object‘s implementation of Equals which indeed is the pointer comparison. From the documentation on ArrayList – More formally, removes the element with the lowest index i such that (o==null ? get(i)==null : … Read more