How do I compile my Python 3 app to an .exe? [closed]

cx_Freeze does this but creates a folder with lots of dependencies. py2exe now does this and, with the –bundle-files 0 option, creates just one EXE, which is probably the best solution to your question. UPDATE: After encountering third-party modules that py2exe had trouble “finding”, I’ve moved to pyinstaller as kotlet schabowy suggests below. Both have … Read more

What is the difference between “Include Directories” and “Additional Include Directories”

This is awkwardness that got introduced in VS2010. The VC++ Directories settings used to be located in Tools + Options, Projects and Solutions, VC++ Directories. Global settings that applied to every project that was built on the machine. It is still there but points out that you should now change it in your project settings. … Read more

Difference between CC, gcc and g++?

The answer to this is platform-specific; what happens on Linux is different from what happens on Solaris, for example. The easy part (because it is not platform-specific) is the separation of ‘gcc’ and ‘g++’: gcc is the GNU C Compiler from the GCC (GNU Compiler Collection). g++ is the GNU C++ Compiler from the GCC. … Read more

Java – When is it a compiler error and when is it a runtime exception?

Compile time error – the java compiler can’t compile the code, often because of syntax errors. Typical candidates: missing brackets missing semicolons access to private fields in other classes missing classes on the classpath (at compile time) Runtime error – the code did compile, can be executed but crashes at some point, like you have … Read more