Copy complete virtualenv to another pc

Do the following steps on the source machine: workon [environment_name] pip freeze > requirements.txt copy requirements.txt to other PC On the other PC: create a virtual environment using mkvirtualenv [environment_name] workon [environment_name] pip install -r requirements.txt You should be done. Other Resources: How to Copy/Clone a Virtual Environment from Server to Local Machine

Configure grunt copy task to exclude files/folders

Found the solution: There is no need for these lines: files: [ {src: [‘.conf1’, ‘.conf2’, ‘./config.js’], dest: ‘output/toolkit/’, filter: ‘isFile’}, {src: [‘./css/**/*’, ‘./img/**/*’, ‘./js/**/*’, ‘./release/**/*’, ‘./lib/**/*’, ‘./locale/**/*’], dest: ‘output/toolkit/’}, {expand: true, cwd: ‘./’, src: [‘**’], dest: ‘output/’} ] because {expand: true, cwd: ‘./’, src: [‘**’], dest: ‘output/’} is a new copy step, copying all files … Read more

Why Doesn’t reinterpret_cast Force copy_n for Casts between Same-Sized Types?

why doesn’t reinterpret_cast handle that for me? One reason is that the size, alignment, and bit representations aren’t specified, so such a conversion wouldn’t be portable. However, that wouldn’t really justify making the behaviour undefined, just implementation-defined. By making it undefined, the compiler is allowed to assume that expressions of unrelated types don’t access the … Read more

Tried and true simple file copying code in C?

This is the function I use when I need to copy from one file to another – with test harness: /* @(#)File: $RCSfile: fcopy.c,v $ @(#)Version: $Revision: 1.11 $ @(#)Last changed: $Date: 2008/02/11 07:28:06 $ @(#)Purpose: Copy the rest of file1 to file2 @(#)Author: J Leffler @(#)Modified: 1991,1997,2000,2003,2005,2008 */ /*TABSTOP=4*/ #include “jlss.h” #include “stderr.h” #ifndef … Read more

Copy large files (over 2 GB) in PHP

This should do it. function chunked_copy($from, $to) { # 1 meg at a time, you can adjust this. $buffer_size = 1048576; $ret = 0; $fin = fopen($from, “rb”); $fout = fopen($to, “w”); while(!feof($fin)) { $ret += fwrite($fout, fread($fin, $buffer_size)); } fclose($fin); fclose($fout); return $ret; # return number of bytes written }

Insert into an STL queue using std::copy

Unfortunately std::queue ‘adapts’ the function known as push_back to just push which means that the standard back_insert_iterator doesn’t work. Probably the simplest way (albeit conceptually ugly) is to adapt the container adapter with a short lived container adapter adapter[sic] (eugh!) that lives as long as the back insert iterator. template<class T> class QueueAdapter { public: … Read more

Copy text from TextView on Android

I think I have a solution. Just call registerForContextMenu(yourTextView); and your TextView will be registered for receiving context menu events. Then override onCreateContextMenu in your Activity: @Override public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) { //user has long pressed your TextView menu.add(0, v.getId(), 0, “text that you want to show in the context menu … Read more