How do I correctly use setInterval and clearInterval to switch between two different functions?

You need to capture the return value from setInterval( … ) into a variable as that is the reference to the timer: var interval; var count = 0; function onloadFunctions() { countUp(); interval = setInterval(countUp, 200); } /* … code … */ function countUp() { document.getElementById(“here”).innerHTML = count; count++; if(count === 10) { clearInterval(interval); countUp(); … Read more

Behaviour of scanf when newline is in the format string

The ‘\n’ character in the format string of scanf(“%d\n”, &paycode) matches any number of whitespace characters (space, tab, newline etc. – characters for which the isspace function declared in ctype.h yields true) in the input given. Therefore, the scanf call will read and discard any number of whitespace characters till it encounters a non-whitespace character … Read more

Tracking unique visitors only?

The simplest method would be cookie checking. A better way would be to create an SQL database and assign the IP address as the primary key. Then whenever a user visits, you would insert that IP into the database. Create a function included on all pages that checks for $_SESSION[‘logged’] which you can assign whatever … Read more

How to count top 10 most common values in a dict in python

Initialize the Counter once, let the keys be artists, and augment a key (artist) each time through the loop: c = Counter() for d in entries: arts = d[‘artist’] c[arts] += 1 print(c.most_common(10)) When arts is a string, then c = Counter(arts) counts the characters in arts: In [522]: collections.Counter(‘Led Zepplin’) Out[522]: Counter({‘e’: 2, ‘p’: … Read more

Counter increment in Bash loop not working

First, you are not increasing the counter. Changing COUNTER=$((COUNTER)) into COUNTER=$((COUNTER + 1)) or COUNTER=$[COUNTER + 1] will increase it. Second, it’s trickier to back-propagate subshell variables to the callee as you surmise. Variables in a subshell are not available outside the subshell. These are variables local to the child process. One way to solve … Read more

Animate counter when in viewport

The .inViewport() plugin triggers a callback on every scroll event. It’s by design. (Helps to keep the source of a plugin in code! 😉 ) On the “plugin page” you can see how to use it: $(“selector”).inViewport(function(px) { console.log( px ); // `px` represents the amount of visible height if(px){ // do this if element … Read more

Adding counters deletes keys

Counters are a kind of multiset. From the Counter() documentation: Several mathematical operations are provided for combining Counter objects to produce multisets (counters that have counts greater than zero). Addition and subtraction combine counters by adding or subtracting the counts of corresponding elements. Intersection and union return the minimum and maximum of corresponding counts. Each … Read more

HTML/Javascript Button Click Counter

Use var instead of int for your clicks variable generation and onClick instead of click as your function name: var clicks = 0; function onClick() { clicks += 1; document.getElementById(“clicks”).innerHTML = clicks; }; <button type=”button” onClick=”onClick()”>Click me</button> <p>Clicks: <a id=”clicks”>0</a></p> In JavaScript variables are declared with the var keyword. There are no tags like int, … Read more