Output aligned columns

In the class employee of print employee method: Use this line to print. cout << setw(20) << left << surname << setw(10) << left << empNumber << setw(4) << hourlyRate << endl; You forgot to add “<< left“. This is required if you want left aligned. Hope it ll useful.

“cout” and “char address” [duplicate]

I believe the << operator recognizes it as a string. Casting it to a void* should work: cout << (void*)&p; std::basic_ostream has a specialized operator that takes a std::basic_streambuf (which basically is a string (in this case)): _Myt& operator<<(_Mysb *_Strbuf) as opposed to the operator that takes any pointer (except char* of course): _Myt& operator<<(const … Read more

Unbuffered output with cout

You can set the std::ios_base::unitbuf flag to flush output after each output operation either by calling std::ios_base::setf: std::cout.setf(std::ios::unitbuf); or using the std::unitbuf manipulator: std::cout << std::unitbuf;

Float formatting in C++

You need to include <iomanip> and provide namespace scope to setw and setprecision #include <iomanip> std::setw(2) std::setprecision(5) try: cout.precision(5); cout << “Total : ” << setw(4) << floor(total*100)/100 << endl; or cout << “Total : ” << setw(4) << ceil(total*10)/10 << endl; iostream provides precision function, but to use setw, you may need to include … Read more

What is the difference between cout, cerr, clog of iostream header in c++? When to use which one?

Generally you use std::cout for normal output, std::cerr for errors, and std::clog for “logging” (which can mean whatever you want it to mean). The major difference is that std::cerr is not buffered like the other two. In relation to the old C stdout and stderr, std::cout corresponds to stdout, while std::cerr and std::clog both corresponds … Read more

Does std::cout have a return value?

Because the operands of cout << cout are user-defined types, the expression is effectively a function call. The compiler must find the best operator<< that matches the operands, which in this case are both of type std::ostream. There are many candidate operator overloads from which to choose, but I’ll just describe the one that ends … Read more

Is std::cout buffered?

Yes, it’s buffered: C++11 27.4.2 [narrow.stream.objects]/3 : The object cout controls output to a stream buffer associated with the object stdout The article refers to a 1995 draft version of what became the C++98 standard. I’ve no idea whether or not that might have said something different. As for point 2, unitbuf is initially false … Read more

When does cout flush?

There is no strict rule by the standard – only that endl WILL flush, but the implementation may flush at any time it “likes”. And of course, the sum of all digits in under 400K is 6 * 400K = 2.4MB, and that’s very unlikely to fit in the buffer, and the loop is fast … Read more