Cross Compile OpenSSH for ARM

To cross compile openSHH for ARM (in my case a mini2440) I did following: Install arm cross compiler – (eg. what is arm-linux-gcc and how to install this in ubuntu) Download: Zlib OpenSSL OpenSSH Build Zlib: cd zlib-1.2.7 CC=arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc ./configure –prefix=$HOME/zlibArm make make install Build OpenSSL: export cross=arm-linux-gnueabi- cd openssl-1.0.1c ./Configure dist –prefix=$HOME/opensslArm make CC=”${cross}gcc” … Read more

Cross-compile a Rust application from Linux to Windows

Other answers, while technically correct, are more difficult than they need to be. There’s no need to use rustc (in fact it’s discouraged, just use cargo), you only need rustup, cargo and your distribution’s mingw-w64. Add the target (you can also change this for whatever target you’re cross compiling for): rustup target add x86_64-pc-windows-gnu You … Read more

How to build OpenSSL as unversioned shared lib for Android?

As to build a version-less libcrypto, overwriting CALC_VERSIONS does the trick (at least for 1.0.2d): make CALC_VERSIONS=”SHLIB_COMPAT=; SHLIB_SOVER=” all Then, the sub-target link-shared of the target install_sw must be disabled (otherwise broken symlinks overwrite the libraries), which can be done by creating a dummy file of the same name at the suitable place (furthermore, SHLIB_EXT … Read more

How can I use a cross compiler with Scons?

You’re almost there. You’re adding your PATH to the SCons construction environment instead of to the ENV key of the construction environment: import os env_options = { “CC” : “nios2-linux-gnu-gcc”, “CXX” : “nios2-linux-gnu-g++”, “LD” : “nios2-linux-gnu-g++”, “AR” : “nios2-linux-gnu-ar”, “STRIP” : “nios2-linux-gnu-strip”, } env = Environment(**env_options) env.Append(ENV = {‘PATH’ : os.environ[‘PATH’]}) Export(‘env’)