Cross Platform Way to make a directory including subfolders?

Yes, In C++17, You can use filesystem #if __cplusplus < 201703L // If the version of C++ is less than 17 #include <experimental/filesystem> // It was still in the experimental:: namespace namespace fs = std::experimental::filesystem; #else #include <filesystem> namespace fs = std::filesystem; #endif int main() { // create multiple directories/sub-directories. fs::create_directories(“SO/1/2/a”); // create only one … Read more

BeginInvoke not supported on .NET core? (PlatformNotSupported exception)

The motivation for implementing a “true” async method is clear, as stated by @Steven_Cleary, but sometimes you have legacy code you cannot simply make async. For those in desperate need for keeping the old interface: Use Task.Run. E.g. when you had IAsyncResult ar = someDelegate.BeginInvoke(state, null, null); and use properties of ar in order to … Read more

MongoDB GUI client (cross-platform or Linux) [closed]

Robomongo – cross-platform MongoDB GUI client. Update: Mac OS X and Linux(as Debian/Ubuntu, RHEL/CentOS packages) versions released. Update: Robomongo officially changed it’s name and released two different products Studio 3T and Robo 3T. Old robomongo is now called Robo 3T. Studio is for professionals. Update: from October 2022 Robo 3T is named Studio 3T Free.

How to set a global environment variable in .NET Core (user-wide or system-wide)

For .NET Core 1.x it only allows setting an environment variable in the User context. With the new .NET Core 2.0 preview it allows using the EnvironmentVariableTarget. However, according to this GitHub issue setting User or Machine environment variables doesn’t work on non-windows platforms. Using other scopes (e.g. User, Machine) on non-Windows platforms) is not … Read more