Is there a difference in removing the curly braces from If statements in java

For a single statement it will remain same, but if you want to group more than one statement in the if block then you have to use curly braces. if(“pie”== “pie”){ System.out.println(“Hurrah!”); System.out.println(“Hurrah!2”); } if(“pie”== “pie”) System.out.println(“Hurrah!”); //without braces only this statement will fall under if System.out.println(“Hurrah!2”); //not this one You should see: Blocks in … Read more

PHP curly brace syntax for member variable

Curly braces are used to explicitly specify the end of a variable name. For example: echo “This square is {$square->width}00 centimeters broad.”; So, your case is really a combination of two special cases. You’re allowed to access class variables using curly braces and like so: $class->{‘variable_name’} // Same as $class->variable_name $class->{‘variable’ . ‘_name’} // Dynamic … Read more

What is the meaning of the ${0##…} syntax with variable, braces and hash character in bash?

See the section on Substring removal in the Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide‡: ${string#substring} Deletes shortest match of substring from front of $string. ${string##substring} Deletes longest match of substring from front of $string. The substring may include a wildcard *, matching everything. The expression ${0##/*} prints the value of $0 unless it starts with a forward slash, … Read more