D3.js loading local data file from file:///

The best solution would be to run a server on your computer to make it work. The simplest way to have a local web server, as explained here is to run this command in the directory where you have your source code: python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8888 & Then just load the page http://localhost:8888

read csv/tsv with no header line in D3

Use d3.text to load the data, and then d3.csvParseRows to parse it. For example: d3.text(“data/testnh.csv”, function(text) { console.log(d3.csvParseRows(text)); }); You’ll probably also want to convert your columns to numbers, because they’ll be strings by default. Assume they are all numbers, you could say: d3.text(“data/testnh.csv”, function(text) { var data = d3.csvParseRows(text).map(function(row) { return row.map(function(value) { return … Read more

D3.js: Position tooltips using element position, not mouse position?

In your particular case you can simply use d to position the tooltip, i.e. tooltip.html(d) .style(“left”, d + “px”) .style(“top”, d + “px”); To make this a bit more general, you can select the element that is being moused over and get its coordinates to position the tooltip, i.e. tooltip.html(d) .style(“left”, d3.select(this).attr(“cx”) + “px”) .style(“top”, … Read more

Join existing elements of the DOM to data with d3.js

Remember that the key function will be invoked on each element of your data array (i.e. dt), as well as on each element in your selection (i.e. d3.selectAll(“.input”)). In both cases, the key function needs to return a valid value and those output values will used to make the association. To achieve your goal you … Read more