Convert Latitude and Longitude to point in 3D space

I’ve reformatted the code that was previously mentioned here, but more importantly you have left out some of the equations mentioned in the link provided by Niklas R def LLHtoECEF(lat, lon, alt): # see rad = np.float64(6378137.0) # Radius of the Earth (in meters) f = np.float64(1.0/298.257223563) # Flattening factor WGS84 Model cosLat = … Read more

Convert nested JSON to CSV file in Python

Please scroll down for the newer, faster solution This is an older question, but I struggled the entire night to get a satisfactory result for a similar situation, and I came up with this: import json import pandas def cross_join(left, right): return left.assign(key=1).merge(right.assign(key=1), on=’key’, how=’outer’).drop(‘key’, 1) def json_to_dataframe(data_in): def to_frame(data, prev_key=None): if isinstance(data, dict): df … Read more

Convert 4 bytes to int

ByteBuffer has this capability, and is able to work with both little and big endian integers. Consider this example: // read the file into a byte array File file = new File(“file.bin”); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); byte [] arr = new byte[(int)file.length()];; // create a byte buffer and wrap the array ByteBuffer bb … Read more

Convert nested JSON array into separate columns in CSV file

2017-11-20, Completely rewrote function to improve performance and add features as -ArrayBase and support for PSStandardMembers and grouped objects. Flatten-Object Recursively flattens objects containing arrays, hash tables and (custom) objects. All added properties of the supplied objects will be aligned with the rest of the objects. Requires PowerShell version 2 or higher. Cmdlet Function Flatten-Object … Read more