Using an iterator to Divide an Array into Parts with Unequal Size

The segfault you are seeing is coming from next checking the range for you is an assertion in your Debug implementation to check against undefined behavior. The behavior of iterators and pointers is not defined beyond the their allocated range, and the “one past-the-end” element: Are iterators past the “one past-the-end” iterator undefined behavior? This … Read more

python equivalent of filter() getting two output lists (i.e. partition of a list)

Try this: def partition(pred, iterable): trues = [] falses = [] for item in iterable: if pred(item): trues.append(item) else: falses.append(item) return trues, falses Usage: >>> trues, falses = partition(lambda x: x > 10, [1,4,12,7,42]) >>> trues [12, 42] >>> falses [1, 4, 7] There is also an implementation suggestion in itertools recipes: from itertools import … Read more

Difference between df.repartition and DataFrameWriter partitionBy?

Watch out: I believe the accepted answer is not quite right! I’m glad you ask this question, because the behavior of these similarly-named functions differs in important and unexpected ways that are not well documented in the official spark documentation. The first part of the accepted answer is correct: calling df.repartition(COL, numPartitions=k) will create a … Read more