Does PHP have “named parameters” so that early arguments can be omitted and later arguments can be written? [duplicate]

Use arrays : function test($options = array()) { $defaults = array( ‘t1’ => ‘test1’, ‘t2’ => ‘test2’, ‘t3’ => ‘test3’, ); $options = array_merge($defauts, $options); extract($options); echo “$t1, $t2, $t3”; } Call your function this way : test(array(‘t3’ => ‘hi, i am different’));

How can I use an attribute of the instance as a default argument for a method? [duplicate]

You can’t really define this as the default value, since the default value is evaluated when the method is defined which is before any instances exist. The usual pattern is to do something like this instead: class C: def __init__(self, format): self.format = format def process(self, formatting=None): if formatting is None: formatting = self.format print(formatting) … Read more

Why can’t the compiler deduce the template type from default arguments?

In C++03, the specification explicitly prohibits the default argument from being used to deduce a template argument (C++03 ยง14.8.2/17): A template type-parameter cannot be deduced from the type of a function default argument. In C++11, you can provide a default template argument for the function template: template <typename T = float> void bar(int a, T … Read more

How to pass a default argument value of an instance member to a method?

You can’t really define this as the default value, since the default value is evaluated when the method is defined which is before any instances exist. The usual pattern is to do something like this instead: class C: def __init__(self, format): self.format = format def process(self, formatting=None): if formatting is None: formatting = self.format print(formatting) … Read more