Speed up docker-compose shutdown

what does it actually mean when docker-compose says it is “gracefully stopping “? Basically when you do Ctrl+C you are sending a SIGINT (2) signal to the application that runs in the foreground. Most of the time, the semantics of this signal is similar to the SIGTERM (15) signal that is raised when doing docker-compose … Read more

Build a single image based on docker compose containers

This is not recommended at all. You will need to reverse engineer each image and copy the needed binaries/files into the combined image. The approach for that is to use docker multistage build: FROM apexits/ubuntu-oracle-jdk8-tomcat9 as tomcat FROM mysql:5.6.36 as mysql FROM elasticsearch:2.3.4 COPY –from=tomcat /…/tomcat-installtion …/tomcat-installation COPY –from=mysql /…/mysql-installtion …/mysql-installation … This approach is … Read more