Java 8 & Missing required capability Require-Capability:; filter=”(&(”

The error means that your bundle has a Require-Capability:; filter=”(&(” entry in its manifest. So this means the bundle will only start when there is a bundle that provides this capability. In case of the capability it is the OSGi framework (equinox) that should provide this capability. Apparently it does not do this. … Read more

How to install C++ plugin to Eclipse?

Firstly, in the following examples all drive-letters should be replaced with the relevant ones on your system. Not all of these steps are really necessary, but it works (and the more the merrier). We start with the slightly simpler release config – we want to make it compile. Go to Project — Properties Look if … Read more

Error when try install plugin

OK finally i found the solution for solve this problem. I don’t know why Eclipse is showing me this error and i don’t know if this is the best solution. I solve my problem with delete the artifacts.xml file in Eclipse root directory. After deleting this file try to install that plugin again but this … Read more

Mercurial Eclipse Plugin

MercurialEclipse Update site: Installation manual As stated below (in comments) the name is MercurialEclipse. The name HgEclipse was a fork that Intland did and was later “merged” back again with MercurialEclipse, which moved around a bit between the current site, Google code and