ejb lookup failing with NamingException

I think you want to access an EJB application (known as EJB module) from a web application in Sun Application Server, right ? ok, let’s go. When you deploy an EJB into an application server, the application server gives it an address – known as global JNDI address – as a way you can access … Read more

how to create a remote session EJB from a client

I started from scratch. The only difference I can think of is that instead of making an EJB application, I just made an EJB module for the bean. Otherwise, I think it’s the same. structure: thufir@dur:~/NetBeansProjects$ thufir@dur:~/NetBeansProjects$ tree HelloLibrary/ HelloLibrary/ ├── build.xml ├── nbproject │   ├── build-impl.xml │   ├── genfiles.properties │   ├── private │   │   … Read more

Why Stateful and Stateless beans behave in opposite way?

Everything is behaving as specified. A stateless EJB delegates the call further to currently available instance in the pool. Apparently there’s only one which is not used concurrently (yet) and therefore all clients have the same chance to access the same instance in the pool. If you fire more HTTP requests concurrently on the servlet(s), … Read more