JQuery getJSON – ajax parseerror

The JSON string you have is an array with 1 object inside of it, so to access the object you have to access the array first. With a json.php that looks like this: [ { “iId”: “1”, “heading”: “Management Services”, “body”: “<h1>Program Overview</h1><h1>January 29, 2009</h1>” } ] I just tried this $.getJSON(“json.php”, function(json) { alert(json[0].body); … Read more

How to run a string as a command in VBA

You may be tempted by adding your own string “Executer”: Sub StringExecute(s As String) Dim vbComp As Object Set vbComp = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Add(1) vbComp.CodeModule.AddFromString “Sub foo()” & vbCrLf & s & vbCrLf & “End Sub” Application.Run vbComp.name & “.foo” ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Remove vbComp End Sub Sub Testing() StringExecute “MsgBox” & “””” & “Job Done!” & “””” End Sub

Running Python code contained in a string

You can use the eval(string) method to do this. Definition eval(code, globals=None, locals=None) The code is just standard Python code – this means that it still needs to be properly indented. The globals can have a custom __builtins__ defined, which could be useful for security purposes. Example eval(“print(‘Hello’)”) Would print hello to the console. You … Read more

C# Eval() support [duplicate]

Probably the easiest way is to use DataBinder.Eval from System.Web.UI: var foo = new Foo() { Bar = new Bar() { Value = “Value” } }; var value = DataBinder.Eval(foo, “Bar.Value”);