How do I compile my Python 3 app to an .exe? [closed]

cx_Freeze does this but creates a folder with lots of dependencies. py2exe now does this and, with the –bundle-files 0 option, creates just one EXE, which is probably the best solution to your question. UPDATE: After encountering third-party modules that py2exe had trouble “finding”, I’ve moved to pyinstaller as kotlet schabowy suggests below. Both have … Read more

Bundling Data files with PyInstaller 2.1 and MEIPASS error –onefile

I think I see the problem. You’re not feeding data_files into your Analysis object. Here’s how I add my data files in my .spec file: a = Analysis(….) a.datas += [(‘7z.dll’, ‘7z.dll’, ‘DATA’)] a.datas += [(‘7z.exe’, ‘7z.exe’, ‘DATA’)] a.datas += [(‘collection.xml’, ‘collection.xml’, ‘DATA’)] a.datas += [(‘License.html’, ‘License.html’, ‘DATA’)] pyz = PYZ(a.pure) exe = EXE(pyz, a.scripts … Read more

Wix – How to run exe files after installation from installed directory?

The Isaiah4110 answer is not the best way if you donĀ“t need a UI. The simplest way to execute the exe file target you are installing through the MSI file produced by Wix is with a custom action type 18 (identifying the action by FileKey), here you are a complete example: <Fragment> <ComponentGroup Id=”ProductComponents” Directory=”INSTALLFOLDER”> … Read more

Difference between .dll and .exe?

I don’t know why everybody is answering this question in context of .NET. The question was a general one and didn’t mention .NET anywhere. Well, the major differences are: EXE An exe always runs in its own address space i.e., It is a separate process. The purpose of an EXE is to launch a separate … Read more

JavaFX Single Instance Application

This is based upon the solution in the blog post: Java Single Instance Application. The solution uses the “Socket Technique”: With this technique we start listening on a port, only one process can listen on a socket so after first instance of our application binds itself to the socket other instances will get BindException, which … Read more

appending data to an exe

Yes, you append the data outside/after the end of the defined PE image. You can do a simple concatenation if you don’t want to deal with the PE header. For instance “echo abcd >> myprogram.exe” would work, resulting in ‘abcd’ appended to the end of ‘myprogram.exe’. Myprogram.exe would run fine. Then you’d just need to … Read more