What is the difference between Builder Design pattern and Factory Design pattern? [closed]

With design patterns, there usually is no “more advantageous” solution that works for all cases. It depends on what you need to implement. From Wikipedia: Builder focuses on constructing a complex object step by step. Abstract Factory emphasizes a family of product objects (either simple or complex). Builder returns the product as a final step, … Read more

What is the basic difference between the Factory and Abstract Factory Design Patterns? [closed]

With the Factory pattern, you produce instances of implementations (Apple, Banana, Cherry, etc.) of a particular interface — say, IFruit. With the Abstract Factory pattern, you provide a way for anyone to provide their own factory. This allows your warehouse to be either an IFruitFactory or an IJuiceFactory, without requiring your warehouse to know anything … Read more

What are the differences between Abstract Factory and Factory design patterns?

The Difference Between The Two The main difference between a “factory method” and an “abstract factory” is that the factory method is a method, and an abstract factory is an object. I think a lot of people get these two terms confused, and start using them interchangeably. I remember that I had a hard time … Read more