How do i compile a static library (fat) for armv6, armv7 and i386

Here is a good solution I found: Static Libs With Support to iOS 5 and Arm64 Edited: The solution is to build different architectures separated then bind them using lipo, by using command line (or Rakefile). First build the binary with arm using xcodebuild: xcodebuild -project ‘StaticLibDemo.xcodeproj’ -configuration ‘Release’ -sdk ‘iphoneos7.0′ clean build ARCHS=’armv7 armv7s’ … Read more

CUDA: How to use -arch and -code and SM vs COMPUTE

Some related questions/answers are here and here. I am still not sure how to properly specify the architectures for code generation when building with nvcc. A complete description is somewhat complicated, but there are intended to be relatively simple, easy-to-remember canonical usages. Compile for the architecture (both virtual and real), that represents the GPUs you … Read more