FastAPI returns “Error 422: Unprocessable entity” when I send multipart form data with JavaScript Fetch API

The 422 error response body will contain an error message about which field(s) is missing or doesn’t match the expected format. Since you haven’t provided that (please do so), my guess is that the error is triggered due to how you defined the images parameter in your endpoint. Since images is expected to be a … Read more

react native post form data with object and file in it using axios

when you are using react-native you don’t need “form-data” package. Because react native polyfills standard FormData api and exports it as global. second problem is axios converts form data automatically to string, so you need to use transformRequest config on request to override it. import { AxiosRequestConfig } from “axios”; const FormData = global.FormData; const … Read more

Fetch API requesting multiple get requests

You can rely on Promises to execute them all before your then resolution. If you are used to jQuery, you can use jQuery Promises as well. With Promise.all you will enforce that every request is completed before continue with your code execution Promise.all([ fetch(“http://localhost:3000/items/get”), fetch(“http://localhost:3000/contactlist/get”), fetch(“http://localhost:3000/itemgroup/get”) ]).then(([items, contactlist, itemgroup]) => { ReactDOM.render( <Test items={items} contactlist={contactlist} … Read more

PDO prepared statement fetch() returning double results

You should say to PDO, that you want only an associative array or a numbered array: while ($rows_get_rows = $result_get_rows->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) to get an associative array or while ($rows_get_rows = $result_get_rows->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) to get an array indexed by the column number from PDOStatement::fetch fetch_style Controls how the next row will be returned to the caller. This value … Read more

How to select multiple rows from mysql with one query and use them in php

Use repeated calls to mysql_fetch_assoc. It’s documented right in the PHP manual. // While a row of data exists, put that row in $row as an associative array // Note: If you’re expecting just one row, no need to use a loop // Note: If you put extract($row); inside the following loop, you’ll // … Read more

redirect after a fetch post call

Request.redirect could be “follow”, “error” or “manual”. If it is “follow”, fetch() API follows the redirect response (HTTP status code = 301,302,303,307,308). If it is “error”, fetch() API treats the redirect response as an error. If it is “manual”, fetch() API doesn’t follow the redirect and returns an opaque-redirect filtered response which wraps the redirect … Read more

Fetch all events from EventStore EventKit iOS

Code for fetch all events into array : NSDate *start = … NSDate *finish = … // use Dictionary for remove duplicates produced by events covered more one year segment NSMutableDictionary *eventsDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:1024]; NSDate* currentStart = [NSDate dateWithTimeInterval:0 sinceDate:start]; int seconds_in_year = 60*60*24*365; // enumerate events by one year segment because iOS do … Read more