Can a Fibonacci function be written to execute in O(1) time?

Here is a near O(1) solution for a Fibonacci sequence term. Admittedly, O(log n) depending on the system Math.pow() implementation, but it is Fibonacci w/o a visible loop, if your interviewer is looking for that. The ceil() was due to rounding precision on larger values returning .9 repeating. Example in JS: function fib (n) { … Read more

Ruby Fibonacci algorithm

Naive fibonacci makes a lot of repeat calculations – in fib(14) fib(4) is calculated many times. You can add memoization to your algorithm to make it a lot faster: def fib(n, memo = {}) if n == 0 || n == 1 return n end memo[n] ||= fib(n-1, memo) + fib(n-2, memo) end fib 14 … Read more

Fibonacci sequence in Ruby (recursion)

Try this def fibonacci( n ) return n if ( 0..1 ).include? n ( fibonacci( n – 1 ) + fibonacci( n – 2 ) ) end puts fibonacci( 5 ) # => 5 check this post too Fibonacci One-Liner and more .. You have now been bombarded with many solutions 🙂 regarding problem … Read more

An inverse Fibonacci algorithm?

Since OP has asked about matrix solution not involving any floating point computations, here it is. We can achieve O(logn) complexity this way, assuming numeric operations have O(1) complexity. Let’s take 2×2 matrix A having following structure 1 1 1 0 Now consider vector (8, 5), storing two consecutive fibonacci numbers. If you multiply it … Read more

How does the fibonacci recursive function “work”?

You’re defining a function in terms of itself. In general, fibonnaci(n) = fibonnaci(n – 2) + fibonnaci(n – 1). We’re just representing this relationship in code. So, for fibonnaci(7) we can observe: fibonacci(7) is equal to fibonacci(6) + fibonacci(5) fibonacci(6) is equal to fibonacci(5) + fibonacci(4) fibonacci(5) is equal to fibonacci(4) + fibonacci(3) fibonacci(4) is … Read more

Recursive Fibonacci memoization

You need to distinguish between already calculated number and not calculated numbers in the dictionary, which you currently don’t: you always recalculate the numbers. if (n == 0) { // special case because fib(0) is 0 return dictionary[0]; } else { int f = dictionary[n]; if (f == 0) { // number wasn’t calculated yet. … Read more