Why does Firebug show a “206 Partial Content” response on a video loading request?

This Partial Content code (206) may be sent from the server when the client has asked for a range (e.g. “give me the first 2MB of video data”). It is vital for downloading data in chunks which avoids fetching unused resources. (I seldom watch a full video online.) Look at the outgoing request for a … Read more

How to revert Firebug to old version?

As I wrote in the Firebug discussion group, that the <body> element is selected first before the actual element you inspected is a bug and I’ve already filed a bug report for it. There is also a bug related to the Inspect Element with Firebug option, which opens the DevTools, but doesn’t actually select the … Read more

How do I find which JavaScript is changing an element’s style?

If you’re sure it’s being set on the inline style and not as a consequence of a stylesheet rule, you can detect changes using the non-standard Mozilla watch() method: document.body.style.watch(‘color’, function(name, v0, v1) { alert(name+’: ‘+v0+’->’+v1); }); document.body.style.color=”red”; You can put debugger; in the watcher function and look up the call stack in Firebug to … Read more

How to view WS/WSS Websocket request content using Firebug or other?

Try Chrome’s developer tools, click ‘Network’ tab use the filters at the bottom to show only WebSocket connections), select the desired websocket connection, note that there are ‘Headers’, ‘Preview’, ‘Response’, etc. sub-tabs to the right, once data starts flowing a ‘WebSocket Frames’ subtab will appear. All data going in either direction is logged. Very informative.