Running tasks parallel in powershell

You might look into Jobs or runspaces. Here is an example of Jobs: $block = { Param([string] $file) “[Do something]” } #Remove all jobs Get-Job | Remove-Job $MaxThreads = 4 #Start the jobs. Max 4 jobs running simultaneously. foreach($file in $files){ While ($(Get-Job -state running).count -ge $MaxThreads){ Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 3 } Start-Job -Scriptblock $Block -ArgumentList … Read more

Can forEach in JavaScript make a return? [duplicate]

You can use indexOf instead function fn(array) { return (array.indexOf(2) === -1); } Also from the documentation for forEach – Note: There is no way to stop or break a forEach() loop other than by throwing an exception. If you need such behaviour, the .forEach() method is the wrong tool, use a plain … Read more

limiting number of times a loop runs in php

If you want to use foreach, you can add an additional variable to control the number of iterations. For example: $i=0; foreach ($butters->users->user as $user) { if($i==10) break; $id = $user->id; $name = $user->screen_name; $profimg = $user->profile_image_url; echo “things”; $i++; }