Best way of invoking getter by reflection

I think this should point you towards the right direction: import java.beans.* for (PropertyDescriptor pd : Introspector.getBeanInfo(Foo.class).getPropertyDescriptors()) { if (pd.getReadMethod() != null && !”class”.equals(pd.getName())) System.out.println(pd.getReadMethod().invoke(foo)); } Note that you could create BeanInfo or PropertyDescriptor instances yourself, i.e. without using Introspector. However, Introspector does some caching internally which is normally a Good Thing ™. If you’re … Read more

Java Interface Usage Guidelines — Are getters and setters in an interface bad?

I don’t see why an interface can’t define getters and setters. For instance, List.size() is effectively a getter. The interface must define the behaviour rather than the implementation though – it can’t say how you’ll handle the state, but it can insist that you can get it and set it. Collection interfaces are all about … Read more

Getter/setter on javascript array?

Using Proxies, you can get the desired behavior: var _arr = [‘one’, ‘two’, ‘three’]; var accessCount = 0; function doSomething() { accessCount++; } var arr = new Proxy(_arr, { get: function(target, name) { doSomething(); return target[name]; } }); function print(value) { document.querySelector(‘pre’).textContent += value + ‘\n’; } print(accessCount); // 0 print(arr[0]); // ‘one’ print(arr[1]); // … Read more

What should a C++ getter return

You can provide both const and non-const versions: MyType & MyClass::getMyType() { return mMyType; } MyType const & MyClass::getMyType() const { return mMyType; } I wouldn’t provide a pointer version, since that implies that the return value might be the null pointer, which it can never be in this instance. The real point, however, is … Read more

What are the advantages of using getters and setters instead of functions or simply public fields in PHP? [closed]

You can use php magic methods __get and __set. <?php class MyClass { private $firstField; private $secondField; public function __get($property) { if (property_exists($this, $property)) { return $this->$property; } } public function __set($property, $value) { if (property_exists($this, $property)) { $this->$property = $value; } return $this; } } ?>