Google apps script: how to persist data in spreadsheet between different function calls?

Both ScriptProperties and ScriptDB are deprecated. Instead, you should be using the new class PropertiesService which is split into three sections of narrowing scope: Document – Gets a property store that all users can access within the current document, if the script is published as an add-on. Script – Gets a property store that all … Read more

Getting Google Spreadsheet CSV into A Pandas Dataframe

Seems to work for me without the StringIO: test = pd.read_csv(‘’ + ‘0Ak1ecr7i0wotdGJmTURJRnZLYlV3M2daNTRubTdwTXc’ + ‘/export?gid=0&format=csv’, # Set first column as rownames in data frame index_col=0, # Parse column values to datetime parse_dates=[‘Quradate’] ) test.head(5) # Same result as @TomAugspurger BTW, including the ?gid= enables importing different sheets, find the gid in the URL.

Send Email via C# through Google Apps account

There is no need to hardcode all SMTP settings in your code. Put them in web.config instead. This way you can encrypt these settings if needed and change them on the fly without recompiling your application. <configuration> <> <mailSettings> <smtp from=”[email protected]” deliveryMethod=”Network”> <network host=”” port=”587″ userName=”[email protected]” password=”password”/> </smtp> </mailSettings> </> </configuration> End when you send … Read more

Send mail via Google Apps Gmail using service account domain wide delegation in nodejs

So I was half-step close to the solution, the problem was that while creating const jwtClient = new google.auth.JWT(googleKey.client_email, null, googleKey.private_key, [‘’], null); i did not mention the account to be impersonated. The correct initialization should be: const jwtClient = new google.auth.JWT(googleKey.client_email, null, googleKey.private_key, [‘’], ‘[email protected]’); To summarize, the correct steps are: Created a project … Read more