“{% extends %}” vs “{% include %}” in Django Templates

Extending allows you to replace blocks (e.g. “content”) from a parent template instead of including parts to build the page (e.g. “header” and “footer”). This allows you to have a single template containing your complete layout and you only “insert” the content of the other template by replacing a block. If the user profile is … Read more

#include absolute path syntax in c/c++

Every implementation I’m aware of, and certainly MSVC 2005 and linux, allows you to specify the directory paths in which to find header files. You should include D:\temp\temp_lib on the list of directory paths, and then use #include <temp.h> For gcc, use -I path. For MSVC, see Where does Visual Studio look for C++ header … Read more

AngularJS ng-include inside of Google Maps InfoWindow?

After you add the content to the DOM, you’ll need to find it (maybe with a jQquery selector?), then $compile() it and apply it to the appropriate scope. This will cause Angular to parse your content and act on any directives it finds (like ng-include). E.g., $compile(foundElement)(scope) Without more code, it is difficult to give … Read more