What is the differences between Int and Integer in Scala?

“What are the differences between Integer and Int?” Integer is just an alias for java.lang.Integer. Int is the Scala integer with the extra capabilities. Looking in Predef.scala you can see this the alias: /** @deprecated use <code>java.lang.Integer</code> instead */ @deprecated type Integer = java.lang.Integer However, there is an implicit conversion from Int to java.lang.Integer if … Read more

Using int vs Integer

the Integer class is provided so that values can be boxed/unboxed in a pure OO manner. use int where appropriate unless you specifically need to use it in an OO way; in which case Integer is appropriate. Java Int vs Integer However, very different things are going on under the covers here. An int is … Read more

How to convert int to string in C++

C++11 introduces std::stoi (and variants for each numeric type) and std::to_string, the counterparts of the C atoi and itoa but expressed in term of std::string. #include <string> std::string s = std::to_string(42); is therefore the shortest way I can think of. You can even omit naming the type, using the auto keyword: auto s = std::to_string(42); … Read more

Is 00 an integer or octal in Java?

All are integers, but… 1 is decimal 0 is decimal 01 is octal 00 is octal From Java Language Specification (emphasis mine): Note that octal numerals always consist of two or more digits; 0 is always considered to be a decimal numeral – not that it matters much in practice, for the numerals 0, 00, … Read more