Parallel flatMap always sequential

There are two different aspects. First, there is only a single pipeline which is either sequential or parallel. The choice of sequential or parallel at the inner stream is irrelevant. Note that the downstream consumer you see in the cited code snippet represents the entire subsequent stream pipeline, so in your code, ending with .collect(Collectors.toSet());, … Read more

Is there a good way to extract chunks of data from a java 8 stream?

My approach to bulk operations with chunking is to use a partitioning spliterator wrapper, and another wrapper which overrides the default splitting policy (arithmetic progression of batch sizes in increments of 1024) to simple fixed-batch splitting. Use it like this: Stream<OriginalType> existingStream = …; Stream<List<OriginalType>> partitioned = partition(existingStream, 100, 1); partitioned.forEach(chunk -> … process the … Read more

What is the difference between intermediate and terminal operations?

A Stream supports several operations and these operations are divided into intermediate and terminal operations. The distinction between this operations is that an intermediate operation is lazy while a terminal operation is not. When you invoke an intermediate operation on a stream, the operation is not executed immediately. It is executed only when a terminal … Read more

Java 8 & Missing required capability Require-Capability:; filter=”(&(”

The error means that your bundle has a Require-Capability:; filter=”(&(” entry in its manifest. So this means the bundle will only start when there is a bundle that provides this capability. In case of the capability it is the OSGi framework (equinox) that should provide this capability. Apparently it does not do this. … Read more