How to use Joomla recaptcha plugin with my custom module?

In order to use joomla default recaptcha plugin follow these steps- 1)Get recaptcha keys from 2)Set these keys to recaptcha plugin and activate it if it’s not. 3)Put below code where you want to show recaptcha //php code JPluginHelper::importPlugin(‘captcha’); $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); $dispatcher->trigger(‘onInit’,’dynamic_recaptcha_1′); //html code inside form tag <div id=”dynamic_recaptcha_1″></div> 4)Put this code where … Read more

joomla password encryption

Joomla passwords are MD5 hashed, but the passwords are salted before being hashed. They are stored in the database as {hash}:{salt} this salt is a random string 32 characters in length. So to create a new password hash you would do md5($password.$salt) EDIT Okay so for checking a password, say a user myguy enters the … Read more

Joomla! 2.5.4 Hacked: Having trouble with diagnosis

Firstly, reset the passwords of all the administrators, including yours, then change them and ensure they include letters and numbers. Then change the password for the host control panel using the password generator if they provide one. If not, use a password generator online. Once this is done change the password for your database username … Read more

Joomla 3.2.1 password encryption

Try this, The following piece of code is creating Joomla standard password (Older Version 1.5,1.7 etc). jimport(‘joomla.user.helper’); $salt = JUserHelper::genRandomPassword(32); $crypt = JUserHelper::getCryptedPassword($password_choose, $salt); $password = $crypt.’:’.$salt; Joomla 3.2+ introduced PHP’s password algorithm bcrypt but it required a minimum PHP 5.3+ If you plan to use bcrypt make sure your server PHP version is capable … Read more

Strip off URL parameter with PHP

The safest “correct” method would be: Parse the url into an array with parse_url() Extract the query portion, decompose that into an array using parse_str() Delete the query parameters you want by unset() them from the array Rebuild the original url using http_build_query() Quick and dirty is to use a string search/replace and/or regex to … Read more