How to Set Selected value in Multi-Value Select in Jquery-Select2.?

Well actually your only need $.each to get all values, it will help you <div class=”divright”> <select id=”drp_Books_Ill_Illustrations” class=”leaderMultiSelctdropdown Books_Illustrations” name=”drp_Books_Ill_Illustrations” multiple=””> <option value=” “>No illustrations</option> <option value=”a” selected>Illustrations</option> <option value=”b”>Maps</option> <option value=”c” selected>selectedPortraits</option> </select> </div> <div class=”divright”> <select id=”drp_Books_Ill_Illustrations1″ class=” Books_Illustrations” name=”drp_Books_Ill_Illustrations” multiple=””> <option value=” “>No illustrations</option> <option value=”a”>Illustrations</option> <option value=”b”>Maps</option> <option value=”c”>selectedPortraits</option> … Read more

Dynamically add item to jQuery Select2 control that uses AJAX

This is a lot easier to do starting in select2 v4. You can create a new Option, and append it to the select element directly. See my codepen or the example below: $(document).ready(function() { $(“#state”).select2({ tags: true }); $(“#btn-add-state”).on(“click”, function(){ var newStateVal = $(“#new-state”).val(); // Set the value, creating a new option if necessary if … Read more

Select2: How to prevent tags sorting

I’ve found a solution that works with Select2 v4. It changes the order of items – item selected by user are moved to the end. $(“select”).select2(); $(“select”).on(“select2:select”, function (evt) { var element =; var $element = $(element); $element.detach(); $(this).append($element); $(this).trigger(“change”); }); <link href=”” rel=”stylesheet”/> <script src=””></script> <script src=””></script> <select style=”width: 500px;” multiple=”multiple”> <option>two</option> <option>four</option> … Read more

Select2: Hide certain options dynamically

Would adding the following CSS Rule to the page solve your problem? .select2-container–default .select2-results__option[aria-disabled=true] { display: none; } Basically it would hide a disable option instead of displaying it with a gray background. Use disabled instead of display:’none’ in your options list also. JS Bin

How to use placeholder as default value in select2 framework

You have to add an empty option (i.e. <option></option>) as a first element to see a placeholder. From Select2 official documentation : “Note that because browsers assume the first option element is selected in non-multi-value select boxes an empty first option element must be provided (<option></option>) for the placeholder to work.” Example: <select id=”countries”> <option></option> … Read more

select2 changing items dynamically

I’ve made an example for you showing how this could be done. Notice the js but also that I changed #value into an input element <input id=”value” type=”hidden” style=”width:300px”/> and that I am triggering the change event for getting the initial values $(‘#attribute’).select2().on(‘change’, function() { $(‘#value’).select2({data:data[$(this).val()]}); }).trigger(‘change’); Code Example Edit: In the current version of … Read more