How to remove duplicates based on a key in Mongodb?

This answer is obsolete : the dropDups option was removed in MongoDB 3.0, so a different approach will be required in most cases. For example, you could use aggregation as suggested on: MongoDB duplicate documents even after adding unique key. If you are certain that the source_references.key identifies duplicate records, you can ensure a unique index … Read more

Why must dictionary keys be immutable?

On my computer, there’s a file /etc/dictionaries-common/words containing a large collection of English words: >>> with open(“/etc/dictionaries-common/words”) as f: … words = [line.strip() for line in f] … >>> “python” in words True >>> “BDFL” in words False Let’s create a dictionary storing the lengths of all those words: >>> word_lengths = {w: len(w) for … Read more

Is there a way to change all keys in a flat indexed array to the same string (“Name”)? [closed]

If you have an array of keys that you want to use then use array_combine Given $keys = array(‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, …) and your array, $list, then do this: $list = array_combine($keys, array_values($list)); List will now be array(‘a’ => ‘blabla 1’, …) etc. You have to use array_values to extract just the values from the … Read more

Twitter integration:consumer key/secret pair already set

Looking at both the code and documentation, it looks like your method of instantiating a Twitter instance is not recommended. If you want to supply configuration programmatically (and not use properties), it looks like you need to supply a Configuration to the TwitterFactory. … ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder(); builder.setOAuthConsumerKey(CONSUMER_KEY); builder.setOAuthConsumerSecret(CONSUMER_SECRET); Configuration configuration =; … Read more

Duplicate entry for key ‘group_key’

Your issue seems like a MySQL bug. I was reviewing the logs for our production server the other day and the error logs were filled with this error. I used the workaround below and the errors are gone. SET SESSION max_heap_table_size=536870912; SET SESSION tmp_table_size=536870912; Source:

What arguments does Python sort() function have?

Arguments of sort and sorted Both sort and sorted have three keyword arguments: cmp, key and reverse. L.sort(cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False) — stable sort *IN PLACE*; cmp(x, y) -> -1, 0, 1 sorted(iterable, cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False) –> new sorted list Using key and reverse is preferred, because they work much faster than an equivalent cmp. key … Read more