How to get the Tkinter Label text?

To get the value out of a label you can use the cget method, which can be used to get the value of any of the configuration options. For example: l = tk.Label(text=”hello, world”) … print(“the label is”, l.cget(“text”)) You can also treat the object as a dictionary, using the options as keys. Using the … Read more

Setting label and value of the chart

The MessageFormat ArgumentIndex values correspond to the series name, domain and range. You can set a different generator for each series or for all series in the base. PiePlot plot = (PiePlot) chart.getPlot(); plot.setLabelGenerator(new StandardPieSectionLabelGenerator(“{0} {1} {2}”)); Addendum: For PiePlot, the values have a slightly different meaning—series name, value and percentage—as shown here.

Is it possible to store the address of a label in a variable and use goto to jump to it?

The C and C++ standards do not support this feature. However, the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) includes a non-standard extension for doing this, as described in the Labels as Values section of the Using the GNU Compiler Collection manual. Essentially, they have added a special unary operator && that reports the address of the label … Read more

Address of labels (MSVC)

The only way of doing this in MSVC is by using inline assembly (which basically buggers you for x64): int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { case_1: void* p; __asm{ mov [p],offset case_1 } printf(“0x%p\n”,p); return 0; } If you plan on doing something like this, then the best way would be to write the whole … Read more