Why does the entity framework need an ICollection for lazy loading?

I think i found the solution…See here for more details: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/adodotnetentityframework/thread/47296641-0426-49c2-b048-bf890c6d6af2/ Essentially you want to make the ICollection type protected and use this as the backing collection for the public IEnumerable public class Product { // This is a mapped property protected virtual ICollection<Photo> _photos { get; set; } // This is an un-mapped property … Read more

How to click on Load More button within Google Trends and print all the titles through Selenium and Python

To click on LOAD MORE button to load more real-time searches and then to print them you can use the following solution: Code Block: # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By from selenium.webdriver.support.ui import WebDriverWait from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC from selenium.common.exceptions import TimeoutException options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() options.add_argument(“start-maximized”) … Read more

How lazy loading images using JavaScript works?

Here’s a how-to, using plugins: http://www.webresourcesdepot.com/lazy-loading-of-images-resources-you-need/ here’s the jquery plugin: http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/lazyload basically you put a dummy image in your src attribute and add another attribute for the actual image, JS detects the scroll position of the page, and loads the image data once you get close enough to the image. it does that by replacing … Read more

why lazy loaded module has to import commonModule? Angular 2

As Ward Bell said(https://devchat.tv/adv-in-angular/119-aia-avoiding-common-pitfalls-in-angular2): As long as you only have one module in your application and you threw everything in there, you were benefiting from the common module hiding inside the browser module. The minute you create a new module, lazy or not, any new module and you declare anything into it, that new module … Read more

In Spring with jpa/hibernate, how do I keep a session open to avoid lazy initialization exceptions?

https://www.hibernate.org/43.html Basically, you have a few options. -You can use the “open session in view” pattern where you use a filter/interceptor/AOP – style logic to open a session when server side logic begins, and close it when it’s through. -You could implement conversations spanning several request-response cycles. A plain old Servlet Filter is the easiest.

AngularJS: lazy loading controllers and content

You can also use the jquery with the resolve the $routeProvider app.js /* Module Creation */ var app = angular.module (‘app’, [‘ngRoute’]); app.config([‘$routeProvider’, ‘$controllerProvider’, function($routeProvider, $controllerProvider){ /*Creating a more synthesized form of service of $ controllerProvider.register*/ app.registerCtrl = $controllerProvider.register; function loadScript(path) { var result = $.Deferred(), script = document.createElement(“script”); script.async = “async”; script.type = “text/javascript”; … Read more

Doctrine 2 ArrayCollection filter method

Doctrine now has Criteria which offers a single API for filtering collections with SQL and in PHP, depending on the context. https://www.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-orm/en/latest/reference/working-with-associations.html#filtering-collections Update This will achieve the result in the accepted answer, without getting everything from the database. use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Criteria; /** * @ORM\Entity */ class Member { // … public function getCommentsFiltered($ids) { $criteria = … Read more

Clarifying terminology – What does “hydrating” a JPA or Hibernate entity mean when fetching the entity from the DB

Hydrate began as a term for populating an instantiated (but empty) value-object/model from a db, (specifically in Hibernate.) Various other ORMs and tools like BizTalk use Hydrate and other related terminology, (e.g. BizTalk uses the term Dehydrated to mean an instance is available but not yet populated.) Personally I’m averse to redundant terminology overhauls, populated … Read more