How to upgrade magento 1.4 1.1 to [closed]

Database structure has major changes from to 1.4.2 so you need to upgrade first to 1.4.2 then you can upgrade to directly. I like the command line so I usually upgrade the system by command line, this is my procedure: Substitute file downloader/pearlib/php/Archive/Tar.php with the patched version (it has a bug): Prepare … Read more

Why I can not login to magento backend using google chrome

If you enabled the https for the Magento admin panel, then make sure to set “NO” for the option “Use HTTP Only” under System->configuration->web->Session and Cookie Management.” If you have access to the database then open the table “core_config_data” and search for the Path “web/cookie/cookie_httponly” and set the value to “0”. Make sure to delete … Read more