myLocationOverlay change the marker

Thx @CommonsWare, you led me in the right direction. Spent quite a wile twiddling with this. The Javadoc on is just wrong (or outdated) and messes with your brain where it says: drawMyLocation Also, if the user’s position moves near the edge of the screen, and we’ve been given a MapController in our constructor, … Read more

Letting users draw curved lines on a google map?

You can draw Bezier curves this way: var GmapsCubicBezier = function(lat1, long1, lat2, long2, lat3, long3, lat4, long4, resolution, map){ var points = []; for(it = 0; it <= 1; it += resolution) { points.push(this.getBezier({x:lat1, y:long1},{x:lat2, y:long2},{x:lat3, y:long3},{x:lat4, y:long4}, it)); } for(var i = 0; i < points.length – 1; i++) { var Line = … Read more