What does the “Multiple markers” mean?

“Multiple markers” just means “there’s more than one thing wrong with this line”. But the basic problem is that you’re trying to insert statements directly into a class, rather than having them in a constructor, method, initializer etc. I suggest you change your code to something like this: static Set<String> languages = getDefaultLanguages(); private static … Read more

pyodbc the sql contains 0 parameter markers but 1 parameters were supplied’ ‘hy000’

Parameters in an SQL statement via ODBC are positional, and marked by a ?. Thus: # SQL with parameters start res = cursor.execute(”’ SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE TABLE.TIMESTAMP BETWEEN ? AND ? ”’, STARTDATE, ENDDATE) # SQL with parameters stop Plus, it’s better to avoid passing dates as strings. Let pyodbc take care of … Read more

Custom Markers for Matlab plot

imagesc can put the png on you plot. We can avail ourselves of this in the following way: Define user data: x = 1:10; y = 5*rand(size(x)) + 2.5; Load the marker image: marker = imread(‘icon.png’); Define marker size and adjust the x and y data: markersize = [1,1]; %//The size of marker is expressed … Read more

iterating markers in plots

Using several markers in a single scatter is currently not a feature matplotlib supports. There is however a feature request for this at https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/issues/11155 It is of course possible to draw several scatters, one for each marker type. A different option is the one I proposed in the above thread, which is to set the … Read more

How to place multiple evenly-spaced arrowheads along an SVG line?

Based on a clarification of the question, here’s an implementation of creating intermediary points along a <polyline> element such that the marker-mid=”url(#arrowhead)” attribute will work. See below that for an introduction to markers and arrowheads. Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/Zv57N/ midMarkers(document.querySelector(‘polyline’),6); // Given a polygon/polyline, create intermediary points along the // “straightaways” spaced no closer than `spacing` distance … Read more

Marker mouse click event in R leaflet for shiny

You want to use input$MAPID_marker_click. See the example below. library(shiny) library(leaflet) latitude <- c(35.94077, 35.83770, 35.84545, 35.81584, 35.79387, 36.05600) longitude <- c(-78.58010, -78.78084, -78.72444, -78.62568, -78.64262, -78.67600) radius<-c(15, 12, 12, 12, 12, 15) ids<-c(“a”, “b”, “c”, “d”, “e”, “f”) shinyApp( ui = fluidPage( fluidRow( leafletMap( “map”, “100%”, 400, initialTileLayer = “//{s}.tiles.mapbox.com/v3/jcheng.map-5ebohr46/{z}/{x}/{y}.png”, initialTileLayerAttribution = HTML(‘Maps by … Read more