Why doesn’t C# use arithmetic overflow checking by default? [duplicate]

The C# Language Specification says this: For non-constant expressions (expressions that are evaluated at run-time) that are not enclosed by any checked or unchecked operators or statements, the default overflow checking context is unchecked unless external factors (such as compiler switches and execution environment configuration) call for checked evaluation. The reason for this choice is … Read more

Get direction (compass) with two longitude/latitude points

O forgot to say I found the answer eventually. The application is to determine compass direction of a transit vehicle and its destination. Essentially, fancy math for acquiring curvature of Earth, finding an angle/compass reading, and then matching that angle with a generic compass value. You could of course just keep the compassReading and apply … Read more

All factors of a given number

In Ruby, the prime library gives you the factorization: require ‘prime’ 4800.prime_division #=> [[2, 6], [3, 1], [5, 2]] To get that list of yours, you take the cartesian product of the possible powers: require ‘prime’ def factors_of(number) primes, powers = number.prime_division.transpose exponents = powers.map{|i| (0..i).to_a} divisors = exponents.shift.product(*exponents).map do |powers| primes.zip(powers).map{|prime, power| prime ** … Read more