Why subclass in another package cannot access a protected method?

Protected methods can only be accessible through inheritance in subclasses outside the package. And hence the second approach tryMeProtected(); works. The code below wont compile because we are not calling the inherited version of protected method. Class1 c = new Class1(); c.tryMeProtected(); // ERROR: tryMeProtected() has protected access in Class1 Follow this stackoverflow link for … Read more

Why preg_replace throws me a “Unknown modifier” error? [duplicate]

You are using forward-slashes as your regex pattern delimeter, so /<title>(.*)</title>/Ui’ will not work (</title> has a forward slash). You should be able to escape the forward slash or use a different delimiter that is not contained within the pattern, for example ‘/<title>(.*)<\/title>/Ui’ //(esacaping) or ‘~<title>(.*)</title>~Ui’ //different delimiter

Difference between regular expression modifiers (or flags) ‘m’ and ‘s’?

It’s not uncommon to find someone who’s been using regexes for years who still doesn’t understand how those two modifiers work. As you observed, the names “multiline” and “singleline” are not very helpful. They sound like they must be mutually exclusive, but they’re completely independent. I suggest you ignore the names and concentrate on what … Read more

How does extern work in C#?

Consider reading section 10.6.7 of the C# specification, which answers many of your questions. I reproduce part of it here for your convenience: When a method declaration includes an extern modifier, that method is said to be an external method. External methods are implemented externally, typically using a language other than C#. Because an external … Read more

Jetpack Compose – Order of Modifiers

There’s Layouts in Jetpack Compose codelab containing Layout modifiers under the hood step which explains the modifier order, see “Order matters” section. order matters when chaining modifiers as they’re applied to the composable they modify from earlier to later, meaning that the measurement and layout of the modifiers on the left will affect the modifier … Read more