C# moving the mouse around realistically

I tried the arc calculation method, turned out to be far to complex and, in the end, it didn’t look realistic. Straight lines look much more human, as JP suggests in his comment. This is a function I wrote to calculate a linear mouse movement. Should be pretty self-explanatory. GetCursorPosition() and SetCursorPosition(Point) are wrappers around … Read more

Need javascript code for button press and hold

function holdit(btn, action, start, speedup) { var t; var repeat = function () { action(); t = setTimeout(repeat, start); start = start / speedup; } btn.mousedown = function() { repeat(); } btn.mouseup = function () { clearTimeout(t); } }; /* to use */ holdit(btn, function () { }, 1000, 2); /* x..1000ms..x..500ms..x..250ms..x */

How do I edit Visual Studio’s mouse shortcuts?

From my topic. Plugin that attaches Navigate back/forward to the mouse buttons: Mouse Navigation The last version (2.2.0) is working fine. Some clarifying: Visual Studio (2012) separates the normal navigation from “click to go” navigation. Normal navigation: mouse click anywhere in code editor, tab change also. Click to go navigation: Go to definition, search result … Read more