pyspark: rolling average using timeseries data

I figured out the correct way to calculate a moving/rolling average using this stackoverflow: Spark Window Functions – rangeBetween dates The basic idea is to convert your timestamp column to seconds, and then you can use the rangeBetween function in the pyspark.sql.Window class to include the correct rows in your window. Here’s the solved example: … Read more

Understanding NumPy’s Convolve

Convolution is a mathematical operator primarily used in signal processing. Numpy simply uses this signal processing nomenclature to define it, hence the “signal” references. An array in numpy is a signal. The convolution of two signals is defined as the integral of the first signal, reversed, sweeping over (“convolved onto”) the second signal and multiplied … Read more

Calculate rolling / moving average in C++

If your needs are simple, you might just try using an exponential moving average. Put simply, you make an accumulator variable, and as your code looks at each sample, the code updates the accumulator with the new value. You pick a constant “alpha” that is between 0 and 1, and compute this: accumulator = … Read more

Moving average of previous three values in R

You can use rollmean, but set align=’right’. Or you could use rollmeanr, which has align=’right’ as the default. ma3 <- rollmeanr(x[,1],3,fill=NA) …but you would still need to lag the result. Another solution is to use rollapply with a list for the width argument: ma3 <- rollapplyr(x[,1],list(-(3:1)),mean,fill=NA)