How to use node-set function in a platform-independent way?

Yes, there is a good and universal solution. EXSLT‘s function common:node-set() can be implemented as an inline Javascript function and is thus available with any browser that supports Javascript (practically all major browsers without exception). This technique was first discovered by Julian Reschke and after he published it on the xsl-list, was publicized by David … Read more

How can I pretty-print XML source using VB6 and MSXML?

After months of research I’ve come up with this. Public Function PrettyPrintXML(XML As String) As String Dim Reader As New SAXXMLReader60 Dim Writer As New MXXMLWriter60 Writer.indent = True Writer.standalone = False Writer.omitXMLDeclaration = False Writer.encoding = “utf-8” Set Reader.contentHandler = Writer Set Reader.dtdHandler = Writer Set Reader.errorHandler = Writer Call Reader.putProperty(“”, _ Writer) Call … Read more

Calling WCF service by VBScript

Don’t use MSSOAP. I think it is out of support now, for the past 3 or 4 years. Consider using the XmlHttp, which is part of MSXML, and is supported and continues to be maintained. You will have to construct a SOAP envelope manually. But it’s more reliable this way. example code ‘ URL to … Read more