How to integrate codeIgniter with netbeans fully

If you just want auto-complete of functions then this will do it for you. 1) Create a folder in Netbeans called ‘autocomplete‘ in ‘Source Files‘ 2) Create two files in here called something like ci_code_completion_controllers.php and ci_code_completion_models.php Add this into each file; <?php /** ********* CONTROLLERS ********* * @property CI_DB_active_record $db * @property CI_DB_forge $dbforge … Read more

How to clear the cache in NetBeans

Close NetBeans before deleting the cache. NetBeans 7.2+, Windows 7 Cache is located in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\NetBeans\Cache\. Clear the cache using the %USERPROFILE% Windows variable: del /s /q %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\NetBeans\Cache\ If it is set, you can also use the environment variable %LOCALAPPDATA%: del /s /q %LOCALAPPDATA%\NetBeans\Cache\ NetBeans 7.2+, Linux Cache is at: ~/.cache/netbeans/${netbeans_version}/index/ Mac OS X Cache is … Read more