Maximum number of concurrent connections on a single port (socket) of Server

This depends in part on your operating system. There is however no limit on a specific port. There is a limit on the number of concurrent connections however, typically limited by the number of file descriptors the kernel supports (eg 2048). The thing to remember is that a TCP connection is unique and a connection … Read more

A call to SSPI failed, see inner exception – The Local Security Authority cannot be contacted

This means the other side is using another version of TLS and you are using an older version. Set up security attribute to TLS12 before making the connection. This is a widely known problem, as many providers start using TLS12 (e.g. paypal,amazon and so on). ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;

Download file from HTTPS server using Java [duplicate]

Access an HTTPS url with Java is the same then access an HTTP url. You can always use the URL url = new URL(“https://hostname:port/file.txt”); URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); InputStream is = connection.getInputStream(); // .. then download the file But, you can have some problem when the server’s certificate chain cannot be validated. So you may … Read more

How to protect ZeroMQ Request Reply pattern against potential drops of messages?

Ad 1) No, there is not any socket link-management interface exposed to user to test/reset the state of the FSA-to-FSA link in ZeroMQ framework. Yes, XREQ/XREP may help you overcome the deadlocks, that may & do happen in REQ/REP Scaleable Formal Communication Pattern: Ref.: REQ/REP Deadlocks >>> Fig.1: Why it is wrong to use … Read more

Quick fix for NetworkOnMainThreadException

You could change it to: android:targetSdkVersion=”9″ API 10 corresponds to honeycomb, while 9 is gingerbread. This behavior is only seen in APIs 10 and above. However, I would advise against this. Instead, you should move any long running operations, or operations with the possibility of running for long into a background thread, like an AsyncTask. … Read more

Retrieve process network usage

Resource monitor uses ETW – thankfully, Microsoft have created a nice nuget .net wrapper to make it easier to use. I wrote something like this recently to report back my process’s network IO: using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.Parsers; using Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.Session; namespace ProcessMonitoring { public sealed class NetworkPerformanceReporter : IDisposable { private DateTime … Read more