Generate XML mappings from fluent Nhibernate

You can do something like: config.Mappings(m => { m.FluentMappings.ExportTo(“…file path here…”); m.HbmMappings.ExportTo(“…file path here…”); m.AutoMappings.ExportTo(“…file path here…”); { ); I don’t like it myself. If I find some better way (if such exists at all) I’ll update the answer. See Or if broken, see this instead

IndexOutOfRangeException Deep in the bowels of NHibernate

Yes its a common problem, you are using the Column “EndDate” twice in your mapping definition (for both Company and PrimaryListing) and that is not allowed. One of them has to go, or have an additional EndDate column (one for each association) check this too nHibernate 2.0 – mapping a composite-id *and* many-to-one relationship causes … Read more