Job queue for Hive action in oozie

A. Oozie specifics Oozie propagates the “regular” Hadoop properties to a “regular” MapReduce Action. But for other types of Action (Shell, Hive, Java, etc.) where Oozie runs a single Mapper task in YARN, it does not consider that it’s a real MapReduce job. Hence it uses a different set of undocumented properties always prefixed with … Read more

OOZIE: properties defined in file referenced in global job-xml not visible in workflow.xml

OK, you are making two big mistakes. 1. Let’s start with a quick exegesis of some parts of the Oozie documentation (V4.2) Workflow Functional Specification has a section 19 about Global Configuration has sections 3.2.x about core Action types i.e. MapReduce, Pig, Java, etc. the XML schema specification clearly shows the <global> element Sqoop action … Read more