Why can’t my subclass access a protected variable of its superclass, when it’s in a different package?

It works, but only you the children tries to access it own variable, not variable of other instance ( even if it belongs to the same inheritance tree ). See this sample code to understand it better: //in Parent.java package parentpackage; public class Parent { protected String parentVariable = “whatever”;// define protected variable } // … Read more

Namespace vs regular package

Namespace packages As of Python 3.3, we get namespace packages. These are a special kind of package that allows you to unify two packages with the same name at different points on your Python-path. For example, consider path1 and path2 as separate entries on your Python-path: path1 +–namespace +–module1.py +–module2.py path2 +–namespace +–module3.py +–module4.py with … Read more

How to reference python package when filename contains a period

Actually, you can import a module with an invalid name. But you’ll need to use imp for that, e.g. assuming file is named models.admin.py, you could do import imp with open(‘models.admin.py’, ‘rb’) as fp: models_admin = imp.load_module( ‘models_admin’, fp, ‘models.admin.py’, (‘.py’, ‘rb’, imp.PY_SOURCE) ) But read the docs on imp.find_module and imp.load_module before you start … Read more