iOS 7 parallax effect in my view controller

With iOS 7, Apple introduced UIMotionEffect to add Motion effects that are related to the orientation of the user’s device. For example, to emulate the parallax effect on the home screen, you can use the subclass UIInterpolatingMotionEffect, as explained here, just with a few lines of code. Objective-C: // Set vertical effect UIInterpolatingMotionEffect *verticalMotionEffect = … Read more

Fixed attachment background image flicker/disappear in chrome when coupled with a css transform

This has been a very common unsolved mystery. Recently I had the same problem, and ‘-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden’, proved to be less than useless (on my ‘fixed’ attached background), since the background just disappeared when it was set. (Additional Info: the reason is that when the background is set as fixed, it is almost similar to … Read more