Run async method 8 times in parallel

I coded it in the assumption that asynchronous and parallel processing would be the same Asynchronous processing and parallel processing are quite different. If you don’t understand the difference, I think you should first read more about it (for example what is the relation between Asynchronous and parallel programming in c#?). Now, what you want … Read more

Is there a good way to extract chunks of data from a java 8 stream?

My approach to bulk operations with chunking is to use a partitioning spliterator wrapper, and another wrapper which overrides the default splitting policy (arithmetic progression of batch sizes in increments of 1024) to simple fixed-batch splitting. Use it like this: Stream<OriginalType> existingStream = …; Stream<List<OriginalType>> partitioned = partition(existingStream, 100, 1); partitioned.forEach(chunk -> … process the … Read more

Wait for QueueUserWorkItem to Complete

You could use events to sync. Like this: private static ManualResetEvent resetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); public static void Main() { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(arg => DoWork()); resetEvent.WaitOne(); } public static void DoWork() { Thread.Sleep(5000); resetEvent.Set(); } If you don’t want to embed event set into your method, you could do something like this: var resetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); … Read more

Running tasks parallel in powershell

You might look into Jobs or runspaces. Here is an example of Jobs: $block = { Param([string] $file) “[Do something]” } #Remove all jobs Get-Job | Remove-Job $MaxThreads = 4 #Start the jobs. Max 4 jobs running simultaneously. foreach($file in $files){ While ($(Get-Job -state running).count -ge $MaxThreads){ Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 3 } Start-Job -Scriptblock $Block -ArgumentList … Read more

aiohttp: rate limiting parallel requests

If I understand you well, you want to limit the number of simultaneous requests? There is a object inside asyncio named Semaphore, it works like an asynchronous RLock. semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(50) #… async def limit_wrap(url): async with semaphore: # do what you want #… results = asyncio.gather([limit_wrap(url) for url in urls]) updated Suppose I make … Read more

How to parallelize list-comprehension calculations in Python?

As Ken said, it can’t, but with 2.6’s multiprocessing module, it’s pretty easy to parallelize computations. import multiprocessing try: cpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count() except NotImplementedError: cpus = 2 # arbitrary default def square(n): return n * n pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=cpus) print(, range(1000))) There are also examples in the documentation that show how to do this using … Read more